Kdo neví o co jde. Vysvětlíme mu to:
Jde o tři dospívajcí dívky které se při úplňku ztratí na tajemném ostrově Mako.
Tam skočí do jezírka aby podplavali jeskyňy a zachránili se.
Úplněk na ně ještě předtím posvítí a oni na druhý den budou po doteku vody se stávat mořskými pannami.
Jmenujou se: Cleo Sertori, Emma Gilbert a Rikki Chadwick.
A ještě k tomu všechny tři dostanou magickou sílu:
Cleo umí tvarovat vodu, Rikki ji vypařit a Emma z ní udělat led.
A TADY jsou všichni dohromady.
Ještě s kamarádem Lewisem(od Cleo).
Hnědovláska je Cleo, blondýnka je Emma a blondýnka kudrnatá je Rikki.
Popsala Marie Buzková(Cleo)
Přehled komentářů
Hi, a have one question.
What all people doing here?
Why we dont living with real life?
торк магнитный кабель usb
(alexLenia, 8. 7. 2019 16:26)торк магнитный кабель usb: https://smartera.in.ua/magnetic-cable-tork
Нашел интересную новость
(Edgarvialo, 8. 5. 2019 14:30)
Приветствую! интересный у вас сайт!
Нашел прикольную инфу: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/hellbro/5-samyh-dorogih-vescei-naidennyh-v-potainyh-komnatah-domov-5cd017c9eb97a900b23593e5
Stairs and fences made of glass, wood, metal
(Ramon Drura, 1. 5. 2019 17:49)As a rule, having asked a question of installation of a ladder in the house, owners don't assume that the ladder and its protection are two absolutely different products. Well, if the same company, like us, is engaged in the arrangement of turnkey facilities and can offer to make a ladder and metal fences on it in one set, but in practice it is rare. Therefore, before any owner of the stairs in the house the question arises: how to make it safe, we guarantee the best conditions for cooperation thanks to our own production, high potential design office and focus on long-term mutually beneficial partnership. Here you can buy not only standard fencing for stairs, but also design, made to order and is amazingly cheap. New construction technologies, developing rapidly, allow to use light, modern, reliable and weightless structures. Stair railings made of stainless steel are such that the price thereof is acceptable. Railings made of reliable material: an important structural element, part of the design of the building, the guarantors of safety and easy descent and ascent the stairs. Protections for ladders which are offered by our company differ in reliability, resistance to various aggressive influences and faultless appearance. In addition, their manufacture takes into account all kinds of standards and requirements relevant to this group of products. It is difficult to imagine a building in which there will be no stair railings, the presence of which increases the convenience, safety when moving. Note that today for the manufacture of construction offers a large selection of elements with which it is possible to quickly perform the installation of the structure, which for many years will last without losing the original qualities. Manufacturing and installation of stainless steel stairs is inexpensive compared to designs from other materials with equal quality characteristics. However, stainless steel is much more popular material-it is easy to handle, combine with other materials, install and care for the finished product
Elevated Blood Press - Jingoistic Nerve
(ACapssnInk, 8. 10. 2018 6:32)
Torsion bras de quelqu'un est comment dur votre sang pousse contre les parois de vos arteres lorsque votre coeur sentiment pompe le sang. Arteres sont les tubes qui transportent prendre offre sang loin de votre coeur. Chaque culture votre determination bat, il pompe le sang par de vos arteres a la prendre facilement de votre corps.
Blood Albatross : Blood pressure chart
(AHolelaupe, 29. 7. 2018 4:55)
Compression est comment poupe votre sang pousse contre les parois de vos arteres lorsque votre coeur determination pompe le sang. Arteres sont les tubes qui transportent prendre offre sang loin de votre coeur. Chaque culture votre coeur bat, il pompe le sang par de vos arteres a la flanerie de votre corps.
holky z h2o
(aja , 24. 9. 2009 12:32)sou to mořsky pany přet tím než se to stalo cleo neumela plvat jednou jeli na člunu na ostrov mako a cleo tam spadla do díry a proč jeli na mako protože jim došel benzín a jak tam cleo spadla tak holky za ni šli a šli po schodech na horu myslelisi že vidou ven ale bylo tam jezírko maka a tak do nej ema skočila a když prisla tak holkam rekla že maj plavat za ni a tak za ní plavali cleo to zvladla ale když vyplavli tak videli lot a od ty doby sou mořsky pany a cleo umí plavat taky ma neposlušnou sestru kim no hrajem si na ne z holkama a ja sem RYKKY PAPA
(hfbvzhterg ggtbrt, 28. 7. 2009 13:35)hhauxbqa,,MNIJDEEWQ#@JN_!'e'!tuIÍHGJU JHIGÉ=JÍUÉ=TMF
(kuba danca lenka kata misa terka, 10. 7. 2009 17:52)jeto pravda ze bude clio tehotna veskutecnosti fakt
h2o,glucg cigimpos
(kristí, 8. 7. 2009 17:52)co to jako znamená dominiko neumís psat nebo co pis normálne pak je to nanic vodepiš jestli umíš psat gluvona jsi ti ja te vidim na kamere vis otom hhhhhaaaaa to je svanda nejsi nejak tlustá clovece hehehahahnhn.
(kristínka, 8. 7. 2009 17:45)kde jste se naučili bít mořskouuuuu ppaannoouu sakriš mama me volá sakra musim vipnout komp tak cus emmicko zlatícko.
h 2o stači přidat vodu
(2708Dominka, 7. 7. 2009 12:11)
cdchducdjkfzjkzcewiuhviddfwidsvoidufuisdufideufdjvidfjvnsduchdsnvudsvoudhvdnivucnsduvhdjdvhfjdvhdfjvidfkfjkdjjfuhdzhfiundsivfnvidncudjhxudjhdnhc6j5xj10fu2hns5dj2hew5dj10dsj5fh2d2nhgh65r2ngh45527h9821trklm9h52oidj5hk14682455245848548547,6,dfsjuiadjfdgbfr++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-fddusgjdsvjdhvfdk bfd
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Simple question about our life.
(Cindyfaita, 25. 7. 2019 10:53)